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Train With Layne Canine K9 Training

dog trainer


Layne Kalis
Calmer Dog Connoisseur

Hi.  I'm Layne! Owner and head trainer at Train With Layne Canine, based out Brighton, MI.


I have been around dogs my whole life and their behavior and the way they learn always fascinated me.   So you can imagine that when I went away to college to get my bachelor's degree, the no-dog on-campus rule was devastating.  I started walking dogs at the local animal shelter to fill the four-legged gap in my heart.  This gave me hands-on experience with new dogs each time and I started learning to read their body language. I fell even more in love with dog behavior.


Just when I thought I was getting a handle on all things dog - along came Moose, my Fox Red Labrador Retriever.  He was born with a hint of wild in his eye and a whole scoop of CHAOS.  I was pulling my hair out to get him under control, much like many of my clients.  The tips and tricks people gave me were not working.   In order to get my life back under control, I dove deep into any information I could get my hands on about dog training and behavior. 


I went to multiple dog training classes per week for years, watched videos, listened to podcasts, and went to webinars and seminars.  I traveled to train with renowned trainers across the country including The Monks of New Skete.  I practiced so much that I became a regular at the local pet-friendly locations.  I changed the way I interacted with my dog and in turn, changed the relationship I have with him.  Now, he is a joy to be around and gets to travel with me, hike and sniff to his hearts content.  I feel a true bond with my former furry fiasco and now I am inspired to help my clients do the same.


Surprisingly, I didn't let dogs consume my whole life.  You can also find me doing yoga, fishing off my kayak with my husband, or cuddled up on the couch reading. 


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